Another Good Eateries that fulfills the demands of Good Food, Great Venue with such a Nice Ambiance in Bogor. I think that this one is no need to introduce as some of you might know earlier than me so here it is, Two Stories Cafe, Bogor. Why should i call this hipsterish dining venue as a cafe while it's more like Bistro for me ? Okay then, whatever you called it, i don't care, as long as they're serving good food and good service, there you go.
Two Stories starts open for public since October 2014, from the opening until now on Two Stories is continuously gain their existency and popularity amongs Bogorians because it hipster looks and venue. Located in the same area with Monarchy Bistro, making it such a tough competitor with similar segmentation. You can easily find Two Stories by Bogor Medical Centre driveway and just 50 meters away from there.