Sunday, November 16, 2014

MUJIGAE – Bibimbap and Casual Korean Food, Botani Square Bogor

I went to Mujigae just yesterday with my fellow friends, i went there around 11 or lunch time. I am fortunate enough that day because there’s enough free space for us, thingking about weekend usually restaurants are full, and yes just a minutes after we sat, there are a long queue in front of the restaurant.

I do believe that some of you might be familiar with Mujigae brand because they’re already opened it’s store in Jakarta, BSD, Bekasi, Depok, and finally the new kid on the block, yes Bogor !!! Mujigae open it’s store at Botani Square, the hippest mall in Bogor and the nearest one from Bogor toll exit just 5 minutes drive away. Mujigae have been the newest hype in Bogor and me and my friends are going to prove that hippest vibe.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

[WEEKEND GETAWAY] : Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jakarta

Freaking yeaaaah, finally i got my spare time during last weekend to escape from my hectic activity on Campus. And just last week on October 18th, 2014 i decided to use my Complimentary Voucher and i ask to my senior at Hotel to make the reservation for me.

If you wondering how i get that voucher, let me explain to you. Actually i have joined Crowne Plaza Jakarta for the past 6 months for Internships Program in Front Office Department as a Guest Service Officer or well known as Reception. I just finished it on 2nd of August 2014 and Alhamdulillah i got entitled as the Best Trainee for Batch I of 2014/2015 Internship Intake program, and as the winner i have the opportunity to enjoy 1 Night complimentary stay valid for weekend only at the lovely Crowne Plaza's Premiere Room.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

MONARCHY Bistro, Bogor

Unfortunately, i had a visit on weekend and yes on Sunday and this place is freaking full & crowded, but thankfully that i got a space at a Smoking Area. Speaking about the Monarchy Bistro itself, i am quite impressed with this restaurant, the location is not in a main area but Monarchy has a magnetic factor, and i guess it's because the quality and they offers good food and good ambience as well. And finally Bogor has a good quality restaurant with comes up with new concept and new idea. Monarchy Bistro is basically a casual dining concept restaurant, and i love how they design the interior, the exterior is pretty simple with nice white color but you will be surprised when you enter this restaurant.

TIME OUT - Sports Cafe, Bogor

Hi The Liviosta, finally i come back to you with new post and more reviews, and just last week i make a visit to a newly-opened cafe with new concept in Bogor. Please welcome TIME OUT - Sports Cafe to the new member of must visit cafe in Bogor ! Yeah i must admit that this café comes with a very different concept unlike any other cafés in Bogor, they just opened it's door a few months back when the euphoria of World Cup began, Time Out opens to fulfill the Bogorians need of a good café to hangout and chillin around and yes again i would recommend to you this cafe, because the atmosphere is just right for you to spend along time with your friend and enjoy good food.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Hi my fellow readers, i knew that it's been a very very long time since my last post here, i would say sorry for that. Hereby i comes with some good news for you ! The very first thing is i want to let you know that i will regularly update this blog starting this month with new writing style, new concept, more restaurant reviews, and i will start to write in english, i would say sorry for a lot of mistake and grammar regarding my english here but that would be okay if you understand what i mean and you enjoy my reviews. The second one is, i also will posting regularly to my 2nd Instagram account : @theliviosta and you can simply follow it, there will be more pics about food and travel and also update about this blog, and i want to let you know that i changed my social media account username to : @alifioswardhana for both Twitter and Instagram. And the third one is ... I can't wait to share my food experience and journey this month in this blog, and i wish you feel as excited as i am. So please keep update with my latest update from Instagram @theliviosta & @alifioswardhana and my newest post in this blog will be post VERY SOON !!!

Thank You, and Keep Update with me !

Friday, June 20, 2014

Dailydose Coffee & Eatery - Bogor

     Hi foodlovers, lama gak update nih dan baru sempet update kali ini, sebenernya udah banyak pendingan update yang udah numpuk tapi baru sempet review sekarang, hehehe. kali ini gue akan review salah satu café baru dibilangan Bogor nih namanya Dailydose Coffee & Eatery, tempatnya tergolong cozy dan bisa jadi pilihan kalian buat tempat nongkrong baru di Bogor. Sebenernya gue udah lama pengen kesini cuma karena jadwal kerja yang padat jadi baru sempet kesini minggu lalu.

     Lokasi Dailydose beralamat di Jalan Raya Pandu No.141 A, atau gampangnya daerah Cimahpar atau Bogor Baru *jalur angkot 05*. Lokasinya terbilang lumayan ramai dan dilewati lalu lalang mobil dan angkutan umum dan lokasinya di pinggir jalan utama sehingga membuat kita untuk mudah menemukannya, tapi harus agak jeli karena bangunannya agak masuk kedalam, tapi tenang aja karena warna tampilan luarnya yang ngejreng hijau tosca membuat mata langsung melirik kearah kiri hehe.

(Exterior Dailydose dengan paduan warna Tosca & Glossy Brown yang eye-catchy)

Dari luar kita disambut dengan tampilan yang eye-catchy, pemilihan warna Tosca & Glossy Brown dirasa cocok dengan konsep yang diusung, selain itu cukup menarik perhatian. Dailydose Coffee & Eatery buka setiap hari dari jam 10.00 - 22.00, just like other café Dailydose menyediakan makanan seperti pasta, cakes, dan juga coffee or tea, tapi apa sih yang bikin Dailydose beda dengan café-café yang lain ? yuk kita intip aja review kali ini tentang Dailydose.

Dari pemilihan interior gue rasa Dailydose cukup pintar dalam mengaplikasikan konsep yang mereka usung dan dapat membuat para pengunjungnya betah berlama-lama untuk menikmati suasana disini, selain terasa nyaman, atmosphere yang diciptakan juga dirasa hangat, pemilihan ornamen juga dirasa tepat sehingga terasa berbaur dan menyatu.

Untuk pemilihan menu juga Dailydose cukup pintar untuk tidak terlalu memasukkan banyak menu, varian makanannya juga dirasa cukup menarik dan dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau, design menunya juga simple dan chic sehingga tidak memusingkan customer yang ingin memesan.

Pada saat itu gue memesan Spaghetti Aglio Olio *all time favorite*, Fettuccine Alfredo, Caffee Latte, Iced Green Tea Latte, & Taiwanese Ice Pudding *yang lagi hits belakangan ini*. Gak lama setelah memesan, pesanan langsung datang which is responnya sangat cepat dan tanggap, pelayanannya juga ramah, selain itu juga mereka menawarkan untuk dessrt mau disajikan sekarang atau setelah main course *two thumbs up*, by the way gue gak pernah dapet serve kaya gini sebelumnya di café-café lain.

*Spaghetti Aglio Olio - IDR 32,5k*
Well, dish ini merupakan my all time favorite dish, which is gue sangat-sangat strict dan sensitive when it comes to Aglio Olio, but this one is recommended, menurut gue rasanya well-balanced dan gak ada yang terlalu berlebihan ataupun kurang, everything is well-cooked & well-seasoned. Porsi - Harga - Rasa 3 kategori itu menurut gue worthed.

*Fettuccine Alfredo - IDR 32,5k*
Menurut gue dish ini mungkin enak bagi penyuka something creamy, tapi buat gue terlalu creamy dan rasanya kurang asin, but overall rasanya enak kok.

*Vanilla Latte - IDR 25k*
Gue merupakan orang yang coffee addict dan menurut gue Vanilla Latte ini gak terlalu manis dan gak terlalu pahit juga, semuanya balanced, dan yang pasti worthed banget dengan harga yang ditawarkan. Pas banget dinikmati sore-sore atau nongkrong bareng temen sambil ditemani cake yang ada di Dailydose.

*Iced Green Tea Latte - IDR 30k*
This one recommended, rasanya pas dan Matchanya kerasa, meskipun agak overpriced tapi dengan suasana dan tempat yang dirasa oke, semuanya terbayar lunas kok.

*Taiwanese Iced Pudding w/ Ogura Ice Cream - IDR 25k*
Ini nih yang katanya lagi hits banget di Jakarta, dengan banyaknya versi dan vendor dengan bermacam varian dan topping, tapi Dailydose recreate dessert yang satu ini dengan versi mereka dan gak perlu pusing-pusing nentuin topping yang diinginkan, penutup yang perfect dihari yang panas, but for me the taste a lil bit too sweet, tapi kata temen gue enggak rasa manisnya pas, mungkin bagi penyuka manis dish ini sih enak dan pas tapi menurut gue ini agak kemanisan, tapi overall totally recommended. Toppingnya ada macam-macam, terdiri dari : Egg Pudding, Taro Pudding, Mango Pudding, Pearl Bubble, Ogura Ice Cream, Crushed ice & Symple Syrup.

SCORE (1-5)
Interior & Design    : 4,5
Food & Beverages  : 4,0
Service                   : 4,0
Price                      : Average (15k - 40k)
Overall                   : 4,2 (Recommended)

Nah sekian review kita kali ini, ketemu lagi di Restaurant Reviews berikutnya, ikutin terus postingan terbaru di blog ini, karena akan ada tips-tips menarik dan resep-resep yang pastinya patut buat kamu coba. - The Liviosta Signature